Earth and Environmental Sciences
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences offers courses in climate study, earth science, oceanography, geology, chemical geology, atmospheric science, plate tectonics, and dinosaurs and paleontology.
For questions about specific courses, contact the department.
Please note: Some courses are held at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, NY.
For questions about specific courses, contact the department.
This course provides an overview of current research at the world-renowned Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Various Lamont researchers will present their latest research in earth, environmental, and climate science, providing students a cross-section of research projects across the LDEO divisions. Students are expected to attend each class, and meaningfully participate in class discussion.
Course Number
1 ptsSpring 2025
Th 16:10-17:25Section/Call Number
33 of 30Instructor
Terry PlankThe trip is restricted to first-years and sophomores from Columbia College/General Studies, Barnard College, and the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Early application is advised, please visit the course website below for the application deadline. A spring-break excursion focused on the geology of Death Valley and adjacent areas of the eastern California desert. Discussion sessions ahead of the trip provide necessary background. Details at:
Course Number
2 ptsSpring 2025
Fr 17:30-19:00Section/Call Number
20 of 20Instructor
Folarin KolawoleCourse Number
5 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 10:10-11:25Th 10:10-11:25Tu 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
43 of 60Instructor
Mingfang TingGisela WincklerRecommended preparation: high school chemistry and physics; and one semester of college science. Exploration of how the solid Earth works, today and in the past, focusing on Earth in the Solar system, continents and oceans, the Earth's history, mountain systems on land and sea, minerals and rocks, weathering and erosion, glaciers and ice sheets, the hydrological cycle and rivers, geochronology, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, energy resources. Laboratory exploration of topics through examination of rock samples, experimentation, computer data analysis, field exercises, and modeling. Columbia and Barnard majors should plan to take W2200 before their senior year to avoid conflicts with the Senior Seminar.
Course Number
5 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 14:40-15:55Th 14:40-15:55Tu 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
33 of 40Instructor
Steven GoldsteinSidney HemmingSedelia RodriguezRecommended preparation: high school chemistry and physics; and one semester of college science. Exploration of how the solid Earth works, today and in the past, focusing on Earth in the Solar system, continents and oceans, the Earth's history, mountain systems on land and sea, minerals and rocks, weathering and erosion, glaciers and ice sheets, the hydrological cycle and rivers, geochronology, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, energy resources. Laboratory exploration of topics through examination of rock samples, experimentation, computer data analysis, field exercises, and modeling. Columbia and Barnard majors should plan to take W2200 before their senior year to avoid conflicts with the Senior Seminar.
Course Number
5 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 14:40-15:55Th 14:40-15:55Th 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
11 of 20Instructor
Sidney HemmingSteven GoldsteinSedelia RodriguezPrerequisites: high school algebra. Recommended preparation: high school chemistry and physics.
Role of life in biogeochemical cycles, relationship of biodiversity and evolution to the physical Earth, vulnerability of ecosystems to environmental change; causes and effects of extinctions through geologic time (dinosaurs and mammoths) and today. Exploration of topics through laboratories, data analysis, and modeling. REQUIRED LAB: EESC UN2310. Students will be expected to choose a lab section during the first week of class from the options listed in the Directory of Classes. Co-meets with EEEB 2002
Course Number
5 ptsSpring 2025
Mo 11:40-12:55We 11:40-12:55Section/Call Number
27 of 50Instructor
Paul OlsenMatthew PalmerSonya DyhrmanCourse Number
0 ptsSpring 2025
We 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
0 of 0Instructor
Paul OlsenMatthew PalmerSonya DyhrmanCourse Number
0 ptsSpring 2025
We 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
0 of 0Instructor
Paul OlsenMatthew PalmerSonya DyhrmanCourse Number
0 ptsSpring 2025
We 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
0 of 0Instructor
Paul OlsenMatthew PalmerSonya DyhrmanCourse Number
0 ptsSpring 2025
Th 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
0 of 0Instructor
Paul OlsenMatthew PalmerSonya DyhrmanCourse Number
0 ptsSpring 2025
Th 16:10-19:00Section/Call Number
0 of 0Instructor
Paul OlsenMatthew PalmerSonya DyhrmanCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Section/Call Number
1 of 1Instructor
Galen McKinleyCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Section/Call Number
1 of 1Instructor
Dorothy PeteetCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Section/Call Number
3 of 3Instructor
Folarin KolawoleThis is a field geology course focusing on the Apennine Mountains of central Italy, where a developing “accretionary prism” (associated with oceanic crust subduction) can be observed directly. Students will learn how to interpret the evolution of paleo-environments from the sediment lithologies, textures, fossils, compositions; and the tectonic history from the present day spatial and structural relationships. The rocks range from early Mesozoic oceanic crust and sediments to late Cenozoic sediments impacted by the rise of the Alps. The course visits several classic geological localities, including the Gubbio site of the discovery that the dinosaur extinction was caused by a meteorite, a Carrara Marble quarry (favored by Michelangelo for his sculptures), evaporite sediments from the dry-down of the Mediterranean, the magnificent Frasassi Cave, and effects of recent earthquakes.
Priority: This course has a limited number of spaces, and enrollment requires the instructors' permission. Students interested in enrolling are instructed to contact the instructors by email. Priority is given to Columbia College and General Studies senior and junior majors and minors in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Barnard senior and junior majors and minors in Environmental Science. Barnard students must receive permission from the Barnard Environmental Science department chair in order to receive the subsidy.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 19:30-21:20Section/Call Number
14 of 15Instructor
Steven GoldsteinSidney HemmingPrerequisites: Enrollment limited to 16 students. One year of college-level science. Primarily for Environmental Majors, Concentrators and Minors. This class looks at the response of wildlife (birds and plants) to climate change and land-use issues from the end of the last glaciation to the present. Case study topics are: (1) land-use and climate change over time: a paleoenvironmental perspective, (2) environmental transformations: impact of invasive plants and birds and pathogens on local environments and (3) migration of Neotropical songbirds between their wintering and breeding grounds: land-use, crisis and conservation. We visit wildlife refuges along a rural-suburban-urban gradient in order to observe and measure the role refuges play in conservation. Format: lecture, student presentations, short labs, data collection/analysis and field trips (some on a weekend day in April in place of the week day meeting).
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
We 13:10-15:40Section/Call Number
18 of 16Instructor
Terryanne Maenza-GmelchUrban Ecosystems will cover scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand complex systems and the natural and social-ecological relationships at work in cities. You will learn the basics of ecological process and patterns of ecosystems especially applied in cities, understand how humans interact with and impact ecological processes and patterns in cities, and explore approaches for dealing with current and future urban challenges. Format: Lecture, discussion, small group work, field trips
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 13:10-15:00Th 13:10-15:00Section/Call Number
23 of 22Instructor
Elizabeth CookThis course seeks to impart students with knowledge of volcanic eruptions on Earth and the effects on the environment as a whole. The course will focus on the physical mechanisms responsible for eruptions, the effects eruptions have on humans and other living organisms, as well as the environment. The course will investigate how eruptions have contributed to global climate change. The course will also look at the positive effects volcanoes have had on Earth, such as providing nutrient rich soils for growing crops and providing renewable geothermal energy--a cleaner energy resource. Format: lecture, field trip, data collection and analysis, student presentations.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 13:10-14:25Th 13:10-14:25Section/Call Number
16 of 20Instructor
Sedelia RodriguezThis course focuses on the ecology, geology, and sustainability of Bermuda. Students will explore the local flora, fauna, geology and hydrology of various habitats in the context of environmental change brought on by issues such as rising global temperatures, invasive species, and development. Students will also look into sustainability issues, such as energy, drinking water, solid waste, and wastewater issues, some of which the country addresses in unique ways. The course will also contrast some of these topics with those in the NYC area and other subtropical and tropical islands.
Classes will meet during the spring semester at Barnard in preparation for a field trip to Bermuda for five days during spring break.
Students and faculty will use the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) field station for both lodging and laboratory facilities. BIOS will provide bus and boat-based transportation.
The excursions to caves, volcanic and pink sand beaches, outcrops, rare plant habitats and bird conservation areas in addition to engagement with the local experts at BIOS will provide an authentic opportunity to study the natural history of and environmental threats to an offshore island compared to our local environment in NYC.
Students will take detailed field notes in Bermuda. After returning from the trip, they will focus on one or two aspects of the field trip and research related issues in depth. Topics will include: transportation, energy acquisition, electricity generation, wind energy, solar power, carbon capture and storage, drinking water, waste management, sewage treatment and disposal, biological conservation, ecological restoration, social & environmental justice, economy, and food supply. Students are also encouraged to compare issues in Bermuda with NYC and other islands.
The final products of the semester will be a detailed field journal, a mini research project with an annotated bibliography and a poster summarizing the results.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
We 08:40-09:55Section/Call Number
20 of 20Instructor
Martin StuteTerryanne Maenza-GmelchProcess-oriented introduction to the law and its use in environmental policy and decision-making. Origins and structure of the U.S. legal system. Emphasis on litigation process and specific cases that elucidate the common law and toxic torts, environmental administrative law, and environmental regulation through application and testing of statutory law in the courts. Emphasis also on the development of legal literacy, research skills, and writing.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Fr 08:40-11:10Section/Call Number
21 of 30Instructor
Dana NeacsuCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Mo 10:10-11:25We 10:10-11:25Section/Call Number
39 of 42Instructor
Brian MaillouxThis is a calculus-based treatment of climate system physics and the mechanisms of anthropogenic climate change. By the end of this course, students will understand: how solar radiation and rotating fluid dynamics determine the basic climate state, mechanisms of natural variability and change in climate, why anthropogenic climate change is occurring, and which scientific uncertainties are most important to estimates of 21st century change.
This course is designed for undergraduate students seeking a quantitative introduction to climate and climate change science. EESC V2100 (Climate Systems) is not a prerequisite, but can also be taken for credit if it is taken before this course.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 10:10-11:25Th 10:10-11:25Section/Call Number
16 of 25Instructor
Adam SobelCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 11:40-12:55Th 11:40-12:55Section/Call Number
20 of 25Instructor
Meredith NettlesThis course focuses on the impact of glaciers on landscapes. We will learn about the interactions and feedbacks between landscapes and climate. We will cover what is known about glacial geomorphology, as well as the modern research methods and outstanding scientific problems.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 13:10-14:25Th 13:10-14:25Section/Call Number
12 of 25Instructor
William MenkeCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Th 16:10-18:00Section/Call Number
33 of 40Instructor
Martin StuteElizabeth CookJonathan LambertGuided, independent, in-depth research culminating in the senior thesis in the spring. Includes discussion about scientific presentations and posters, data analysis, library research methods and scientific writing. Students review work in progress and share results through oral reports. Weekly seminar to review work in progress and share results through oral and written reports.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Th 16:10-18:00Section/Call Number
23 of 50Instructor
Sidney HemmingMaureen RaymoThis course will examine geological problems from a standpoint of thermodynamic and kinetic theory. Theoretical thermodynamic concepts will be used to derive the crystallization depth and temperature of metamorphic and magmatic minerals, describe the solubility of volatile species in magmas, predict the composition of volcanic gas mixtures, model the nucleation and growth of crystals and bubbles in a melt and determine the chemical interaction between water and rock at the Earth’s surface. Kinetic treatments on the diffusion of heat and matter through crystals and melts will be used to constrain the timing of geological processes. Recommended preparation: Knowledge of mathematics at the level of partial differential equations; mineralogy (EESC 4113); and petrology (EESC 4701); or permission of the instructor.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 13:10-14:25Th 13:10-14:25Section/Call Number
7 of 25Instructor
Yves MoussallamThermodynamics of atmospheric and oceanic processes fundamental to the climate system. Physical mechanisms of vertical energy transfer: surface fluxes, boundary layers and convection.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 14:40-15:55Th 14:40-15:55Section/Call Number
5 of 25Instructor
Adam SobelAn introduction to how the Earth and planets work. The focus is on physical processes that control plate tectonics and the evolution of planetary interiors and surfaces; analytical descriptions of these processes; weekly physical model demonstrations.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 14:40-15:55Th 14:40-15:55Section/Call Number
7 of 25Instructor
W BuckCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 08:40-09:55Th 08:40-09:55Section/Call Number
8 of 25Instructor
Dhruv BalwadaThis course is a project-based learning (PBL) course where teams of climate science and data science students collaborate to create machine learning predictive models for challenges inspired by ongoing climate data science research. Students from different background will apply their prior knowledge, work together and teach each other in high-paced collaborative projects. Through a sequence of mini-projects, i.e., “challenges”, this course provides students a deeper understanding of using machine learning for climate science and support predictive capabilities. It provides training on a broad set of practical skills for climate data science research (e.g., handling geoscience data formats, data curation, cleaning and transformation, building ML workflow, and collaboration using cloud computing resources, Git and/or GitHub). It will also offer discussions on the opportunities and challenges of using climate science and projections in decision processes.
Minimal formal instruction on statistics, data science, machine learning, or climate science will be given. Project cycles run every 4 weeks, where we will have mini-group data projects. Groups will be formed randomly with students from both climate science and data science background. Project products will be peer-reviewed, in addition to evaluation by the instructional team.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 16:10-18:40Section/Call Number
20 of 20Instructor
Galen McKinleyCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 14:40-15:55Th 14:40-15:55Section/Call Number
5 of 25Instructor
Christopher ZappaPrerequisites: Physics W1201, Chemistry W1403, Calculus III, or equivalent or the instructors permission. EESC W2100 preferred. Physical and chemical processes determining atmospheric composition and the implications for climate and regional air pollution. Basics of physical chemistry relevant to the atmosphere: spectroscopy, photolysis, and reaction kinetics. Atmospheric transport of trace gas species. Atmosphere-surface-biosphere interactions. Stratospheric ozone chemistry. Tropospheric hydrocarbon chemistry and oxidizing power. Legacy effects of photochemical smog and acid rain. Current impacts of aerosol pollution and climate impacts of pollution reduction.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 10:10-11:25Th 10:10-11:25Section/Call Number
20 of 25Instructor
Roisin CommanePrerequisites: Recommended preparation: one year of chemistry. The course covers: Factors controlling the concentration and distribution of dissolved chemical species within the sea; the physical chemistry of seawater; ocean circulation and biogeochemical processes that interact with each other to influence the distribution and fate of elements in the ocean. The course examines in some detail the two-way interaction between marine ecosystems and their chemical environment, and the implications of these interactions for distributions in the ocean of carbon, nutrients and trace metals. Although this course does not cover specific strategies that have been proposed for marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR) and ocean storage of carbon, it will cover the basic processes and principles underlying ocean mCDR strategies.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 11:40-12:55Th 11:40-12:55Section/Call Number
21 of 30Instructor
Robert AndersonCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 13:10-14:25Th 13:10-14:25Section/Call Number
20 of 30Instructor
Baerbel HoenischMaureen RaymoCourse Number
0 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 13:10-14:25Th 13:10-14:25Section/Call Number
5 of 15Instructor
Baerbel HoenischCourse Number
1 ptsSpring 2025
Fr 15:30-16:30Section/Call Number
45 of 80Instructor
Kaleigh MatthewsCourse Number
4 ptsSpring 2025
Section/Call Number
16 of 20Instructor
Kaleigh MatthewsCommunicating science well in the context of the earth and environmental sciences is critical. This science communication course will transect specific earth and environmental science disciplines to provide a foundational understanding of what it means to communicate science and how to do so effectively. Within this overarching theme of science communication, students will gain a comprehensive and holistic understanding of how to communicate earth and environmental science across a variety of formats and to a diversity of audiences. Practical outcomes include but are not limited to students learning 1) how to rationalize a research topic, 2) write a hypothesis driven proposal, 3) evaluate proposals, 4) produce clear and compelling graphics, 5) adopt the latest pedagogical approaches, and 6) present science findings to a diversity of audiences.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Mo 15:00-16:00We 15:00-16:00Section/Call Number
5 of 10Instructor
Sonya DyhrmanCourse Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
Tu 13:10-14:25Th 13:10-14:25Section/Call Number
19 of 25Instructor
Ronald MillerSeismic waves in layered media, matrix methods, free vibrations of the Earth, dislocation theory, source mechanics.
Course Number
3 ptsSpring 2025
We 13:30-15:30Section/Call Number
4 of 15Instructor
Goran EkstromCourse Number
12 ptsSpring 2025
Section/Call Number
2 of 15Instructor
Kaleigh MatthewsCourse Number
12 ptsSpring 2025
Section/Call Number
3 of 3Instructor
Sidney HemmingCourse Number
12 ptsSpring 2025
Section/Call Number
1 of 1Instructor
Roisin CommaneIn this seminar, we will explore the interactions between volcanism and climate. From week to week, we will discuss research related to the volcano-climate interactions and address questions such as: How do volcanoes affect global climate? How do we reconstruct the climate impact of past volcanic events? How and why are mass extinction events related to supervolcano and flood basalt eruptions? Can long term changes in climate affect volcanism?
The course welcomes participation from students with diverse academic backgrounds, reflecting the inherently interdisciplinary nature of the topic, which spans volcanology, atmospheric science, paleoclimatology, geophysics, and more.
The seminar will also be open to the broader Lamont community, welcoming drop-ins from all staff, postdocs and students.
Course Number
2 ptsSpring 2025
Mo 10:00-11:30Section/Call Number
7 of 20Instructor
Terry PlankIt has been well-documented by now that those facing the heaviest impacts of accelerating climate change and environmental catastrophes have largely been communities of color and / or working class. Many of these communities are also survivors of colonialism’s deeper ongoing legacies of dispossession as well as of capitalist extraction projects. Yet these same communities have long had much to teach on how to be in better relations with our planet and each other – in part through a forced “resilience” and in large part through ancestral knowledge of the land. The purpose of this seminar is to train students to think critically about their research, to broaden the scope of what counts as expertise, and to ethically engage with effected communities when it comes to the production of knowledge and doing science.
We begin by examining the colonial foundations of the sciences, with a special focus on the geo- and climate sciences. The ideological underpinnings of these sciences assume the earth to be an inert object ripe for exploitation; this legacy of European modernity is often at odds with the worldviews of indigenous peoples and their relations with nature. We then explore several anti-colonial and critical science scholars’ works and ask: what would it mean to revisit the foundations of modern science with a decolonial lens? How do we know (study) and relate to a place in a non-extractive and mutually respectful way that centers local communities and indigenous knowledge and practices? We will explore these questions through several examples, including an in-depth dive into this seminar’s ongoing collaborative community project with The Black School, a New Orleans based community organization facing lead contamination on their land within the context of a long legacy of environmental racism.
The Seminar will feature lectures (including guest lectures) on Tuesdays and discussion sections for readings and lectures on Thursdays.
Discussion section reading will follow Confronting Climate Coloniality: Decolonizing Pathways for Climate Justice, Edited by Farhana Sultana. However, students can collectively decide along with the discussion leader on additional or different readings relatives to their interests and discussions as the semester proceeds.
Students taking the seminar for 3 credits and who aim to decolonize their own research will be trained in ethnographic methods in order to complete their own mini-ethnography projects and present to the seminar at the end of the semester.