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David Slotnick

Director, Career Design Lab

David is an admitted “higher-ed lifer”. He began his career at New York University’s School of Professional Studies in an office responsible for public affairs, marketing, and communications. David’s very first role was in website content management before given the opportunity to shift his focus to larger issues of overall interactive communications and marketing strategy. From there, it was an easy transition into a new role in an information technology office, where he was able to manage projects and operations for the enterprise-level applications upon which the day to day and cyclical work for the administrators, faculty, and students depended.

Many years and a large degree of personal and professional growth later, David left NYU, bound for Columbia’s Center for Career Education. While at CCE, he set strategies and goals for the use of technology and data in the career services space. He managed the institutional reporting required at all levels to inform members of the Columbia community and the CCE team about constituent engagement, post-graduation outcomes, survey results, and other data points.

Now at the Career Design Lab, he gets to combine his professional studies and career services experience in the service of the students and alumni of SPS. In his new role, he stays in constant contact with all of our staff members and teams, acting consultatively to improve operations, logistics, technology, and access to data that help make us better career advising, event management, and employer relations experts.

Outside of work, David can often be found wandering around his neighborhood in the Bronx, out too late seeing live music, or somewhere upstate getting away from it all.


  • B.A., History, SUNY Binghamton
  • Master of Urban Planning, New York University