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Basil Smikle, Ph.D.

Professor of Practice & Director, M.S. in Nonprofit Management Program

Dr. Basil Smikle Jr. is a Professor of Practice and Director of the M.S. program in nonprofit management in the School of Professional Studies at Columbia University. As an MSNBC Political Analyst, he regularly shares his insights on national media outlets.

With 20 years in higher education and 30 years devoted to public service, his influence and insights span a broad spectrum of contemporary issues including, civic engagement, nonprofit advocacy and communications, electoral politics and education policy. His contributions earned him numerous accolades, including the New York Urban League Community Service Award, the Bronx Branch NAACP W.E.B. Dubois Scholar Award, citations from the New York State Governor and Comptroller, and a Proclamation from the New York City Council for his unwavering commitment to public service and education equity.

Prior to his role at Columbia, Basil was the Distinguished Lecturer and Director of the Public Policy Program at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College-City University of New York.  

In 2015, he was appointed by former Governor David Paterson to serve as the Executive Director of the New York State Democratic Party where he was the “second highest ranking Democrat” in the State.  Basil worked closely with elected officials and community leaders to manage electoral and fundraising strategies for the State. He recruited candidates for political office and worked closely with the Democratic National Committee to create grassroots mobilization programs and act as a Party surrogate during the 2016 cycle

Basil's impactful career also includes serving as a senior aide to Hillary Rodham Clinton on her Senate staff, where he provided invaluable counsel on state-wide policy and politics. His work and collaboration left a substantial impact on the State of New York, with Mrs. Clinton lauding Basil as a "key advisor and tremendous public servant" committed to ensuring all voices are heard.

Basil holds a PhD in Politics and Education and an MPA from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University.

He serves as a Trustee of The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and sits on the boards of the Center for Charter Excellence, The Opportunity Charter School in Harlem, Oliver Scholars, FoodCorps, and The Association to Benefit Children.