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Capstones and Culminating Projects

Many SPS graduate programs require students to undertake a capstone course or similar final project. Capstone courses can take the form of a workshop or independent study. Regardless of their title, such courses provide SPS students with a unique opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the skills and knowledge acquired through their studies in replacement of a master’s thesis. 

Working in teams or independently, capstone students solve real-world problems for a range of organizations. For example, the Sports Management Supervised Research Projects have had NFL staff as clients; Sustainability Management M.S. students have consulted with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and Technology Management M.S. students have worked with mentors from BP, Goldman Sachs, HBO, Prudential, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 

For the culminating project of their master’s degree, SPS students present their capstone project methods, findings, and recommendations before faculty, students, and industry clients, including government and nonprofits. You may find these projects below.