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William Herbert, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, joins Dr. Edna Chun's Transforming Total Rewards Class

William Herbert, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, joined Dr. Edna Chun’s Transforming Total Rewards class on March 29 for a highly informative, in-depth discussion of collective bargaining and total rewards.

Herbert’s insightful presentation highlighted specific developments in collective bargaining in higher education from 2012-2020, based on an extensive data set from the Center at Hunter College. He described key state laws and Supreme Court decisions affecting collective bargaining in higher education and shared specific data on faculty and graduate student representation in both public and private institutions. Herbert’s extensive expertise in the field and the comprehensive empirical data he shared provided valuable perspectives on trends in collective bargaining of importance for HCM professionals. In addition, graduate student, Lauren Johnson, shared a thoughtful presentation with the class on her work with total rewards and collective bargaining in higher education.

Also joining the class to discuss collective bargaining and the role of HCM professionals in negotiating labor agreements was Molly Hunter, senior lecturer and president, UNHLU-AAUP of the University of New Hampshire. These presenters provided important insights into the role of collective bargaining and total rewards.
