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Welcome to the Fall Semester

Dear Member of the SPS Community:

Whether you are new to the School of Professional Studies (SPS) or have been with the School for some time, I offer a heartfelt welcome to the fall 2024 semester.

You’ve made it to Columbia University through your hard work, your resilience, and, most likely, an incredible support system. Never forget to thank those who helped you get here, and once you’ve thanked them, thank them again.

Now that you’re here, the academic work begins. Our School has “Professional” in its name, and I know all of you will carry that with you here every day. Your professionalism along with your drive and compassion will strengthen our exceptional University.

For our students, while you assiduously complete your assignments, participate in campus clubs, and hopefully explore all that this city has to offer, please know that you have a network of administrators, faculty, and peers to assist you with any issues you might face.

Like other universities across the country, Columbia has encountered serious challenges in the past year. Our new interim president, Katrina Armstrong, has announced initiatives to address these issues. My hope is that we come together to ensure that we promote an environment where we can all learn and thrive.

If you’ve heard me talk in meetings or at events, you should recall my pointing to the University’s Affirmative Statement in the Rules of University Conduct as a reminder of why we are here: “... the University is a place for received wisdom and firmly held views to be tested, and tested again, so that members of the University community can listen, challenge each other, and be challenged in return.” Let us remember this statement as we take flight into this new academic year.

