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Bioethics Certificate Student to Speak at Oxford

A current student in the Bioethics Certificate program at the School of Professional Studies, Dr. Amrit Ray, the Chief Medical Officer, Janssen Pharmaceuticals Companies of Johnson & Johnson, will be part of a lively panel at Oxford about current bioethical issues scheduled for December 1st.

Titled "Compassionate Use Access to Investigational Medicines: A Pioneering Industry-Academia Model," Ray will be part of a group that includes leading bioethics minds like Professor Arthur Caplan, Drs. William F. and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor of Bioethics, Langone Medical Centre, New York University; Deborah Binner, Journalist and Patient/Carer Advocate; Daniel Greenberg, Parliamentary Counsel; and Professor Ilina Singh, Professor of Neuroscience and Society, University of Oxford.

Ray, along with Caplan, will be discussing a unique academic and professional partnership, CompAC (The Compassionate Use Advisory Committee) between Johnson & Johnson and New York University. For more information, click here.