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Bioethics Makes New Connections in China

On the School of Professional Studies’ recent trip to Beijing and Hong Kong, Robert Klitzman, Director of the M.S. in Bioethics program, met with colleagues at the Peking Union Medical College, Peking University Health Sciences Center, Hong Kong University, and Chinese University of Hong Kong to discuss developing relationships and collaborations.

One of these collaborations is a series of webinars on “Chinese and Western Perspectives and Experiences in Bioethics: What We Can Learn From Each Other.” These webinars are designed to address a range of topics and challenges, from genetic testing to end-of-life care, that individuals, health care providers and governments increasingly confront around the world.

“We pursued ways of building on our highly successful partnership with Chinese University of Hong Kong, through which we have collaborated on developing a bioethics curriculum through the six years of their medical school,” says Klitzman. “We began discussions about possible joint offerings, and look forward to exploring these and other types of initiatives together.”