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New SPSSG President Adam Gerber Shares Plans for the Semester

After various roles in the SPS Student Government, Strategic Communication master’s candidate, Adam Gerber, is now serving as the organization’s president. From the beginning of the M.S. program, he wanted to enhance his Columbia experience by fully immersing himself in the Columbia community. “I love the creative process of working toward a goal and I love people. For me, there’s no better way to experience them both than to be involved in service,” Adam said. Recently, he shared more about his plans to amplify the Columbia SPS student experience by making SPSSG a central part of campus life. 

Tell us about some of the positions you have held prior to becoming SPSSG President.

As soon as I began my studies in the Fall of 2021, I sought to become an ambassador for my fellow Strategic Communication students. I ran for Student Government and didn’t win in my first semester, but I ran again in the Spring of 2022 and was elected Strategic Communication Representative. During the same semester, I was hired as an intern for SPS’ Marketing team. From Representative, I became Vice President, and currently, I have the honor of being SPSSG President. I serve as the SPS delegate for the Interschool Governing Board and I’ve had the opportunity to work and collaborate with so many remarkable teams including SPS’ Career Design Lab, Diversity Equity Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Initiative, Office of Student Life, our wonderful SPS senior leadership team, and the office of SPS Dean Troy Eggers.

How have these positions enhanced your experience at Columbia?

Aside from building an invaluable set of marketable skills in the Strategic Communication program, these positions I hold at Columbia are a large part of the experience I was looking for. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to meet as many people as possible and immerse myself in the SPS and broader Columbia community. I love the creative process of working toward a goal and I love people. For me, there’s no better way to experience them both than to be involved in service.

What are some of your plans as SPSSG President?

Right out of the gate it was clear that everything I’d been learning in the classroom was applicable to my newest position. From the first day I became President, I knew that our attainable goal for the semester was to build awareness and engagement throughout SPS programs. In order to share our voice and serve as many SPS students as possible, they first have to know we exist. Many people don’t realize that SPS Student Government is no more than five years old – we’re young!

We also had to take into account the various lengths of study across the student body; some students graduate after one year, others take 16 months, and then there are some who take two years to complete their studies. This creates more of a revolving door – even within the Student Government – and so the obstacle becomes, “How do we grab and keep attention?” This semester, I’m excited for SPSSG to become a more central part of an SPS student’s experience by building awareness and engagement through our digital platforms, in-person events, and fundraisers.

On Valentine’s Day, we’ll be giving out free “self-love” cookies in Room 203 at Lewisohn. In honor of Black History month, we’ll be heading into our own Morningside and Harlem communities celebrating Black-owned businesses. This past Saturday, SPS Student Government went to visit Melba’s Restaurant, eating fantastic Southern cuisine, and sitting down with owner Melba Wilson herself. On Wednesday, February 16th, SPSSG is co-hosting a Student Town Hall with Dean Troy Eggers and members of the senior executive leadership team. While this is just a taste of what’s in store for the Spring, everything we do this semester will be in the spirit of awareness and engagement with SPS students and our community.

SPSSG Members visited Melba's Restaurant and other Black-owned businesses in Manhattan in February 2022.

What’s your favorite part about being on campus?

I take pride in being a part of the rich history of brilliant students and professors that have graced our campus. Whether I’m reading at Butler, grabbing some sushi at Lerner Hall, or walking across campus to Pupin or the Math building, it’s simply magical. Sometimes I stand for a moment in the middle of the quad and I ask myself, “Can you believe how far you’ve come?” If you knew my former self, you’d understand it’s an absolute miracle. I’m reminded of that every time I’m on campus.

How do you plan to use your degree and Columbia network to reach your career goals?

When I came to Columbia SPS, I had just left a 15-year career in theatre to pursue residential real estate. As I navigated my way through the program, deepening my strategic senses and building my business acumen, my real estate career began to blossom. I found myself setting new goals, building my digital footprint across social platforms, and finding my authentic voice. My degree has not only given me the tools to strengthen and grow my real estate business but it’s opened doors to a vast network of professionals that I can continue to rely on even after graduation day.

What are your plans after graduation?

The first thing I’m going to do is take my family on a vacation. My wife and I had a beautiful baby boy in September and I think some alone time, just the three of us, is in order. Professionally, I’m excited about the possibilities as my business continues to grow. If there’s one thing I know for sure, is that the universe laughs at my plans. I’m just along for the ride.

Current students can learn about upcoming activities on SPS Engage and by following @columbia_SPSSG on Instagram.