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Narrative Medicine Rounds: Metaphors, Diversity and Trust in Communicating Precision Medicine, a talk by Sandra Soo-Jin Lee

For our May Narrative Medicine Rounds, we welcomed Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Ph.D., who is the Chief of the Division of Ethics and faculty in the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics at Columbia University. Dr. Lee is a medical anthropologist with extensive experience leading empirical bioethics research that focuses on the sociocultural and ethical dimensions of emerging genomic technologies. Dr. Lee spoke about "Metaphors, Diversity and Trust in Communicating Precision Medicine."

Before coming to Columbia, Dr. Lee taught for nearly two decades at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and in the Program in Science, Technology and Society at Stanford University. She leads studies on the governance and use of biospecimens and patient data in research and the ethics of inclusion and categorizing diversity in human genetic variation research and translational genomics. Her projects include The Ethics of Inclusion: Diversity in Precision Medicine Research; Beyond Consent: Patient Preferences for Governance of Use of Clinical Samples and Data; and Social Networking and Personal Genomics: Implications for Health Research.

Dr. Lee is a Hastings Center Fellow and has served as Chairperson of the Institutional Review Board at the Cancer Prevention Institute of California and on the NIH/NHGRI Coriell Consultation and Oversight Committee of the International Haplotype Map. She currently serves on both the Scientific Advisory and Bioethics Boards of the Kaiser Permanente National Research Biobank, the NIH/NHGRI Genomics and Society Working Group and on the editorial board of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. Dr. Lee received her undergraduate degree in Human Biology from Stanford University and her doctorate from the Joint Program in Medical Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Francisco. Her postdoctoral fellowship training in Bioethics and Genetics was in the School of Medicine at Stanford University.

Narrative Medicine Rounds are monthly rounds on the first Wednesday of the month during the academic year hosted by the Division of Narrative Medicine in the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics at Columbia University Medical Center. These events are free and open to the public.