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IKNS Guest Lecturer: Newmont Mining's Global Director for Inclusion and Diversity Beatrice Opoku-Asare

Nara Altmann, Ph.D., graduated from Columbia University’s Information and Knowledge Strategy program in 2016, and is now a Course Associate. Nara was driven to the program after her experience in engineering showed too many projects failed to deliver or be completed on time or budget due to ineffective collaboration and knowledge sharing. Her class recently hosted Beatrice Opoku-Asare, Global Director for Inclusion and Diversity at Newmont Mining, as a guest lecturer. 

It is my honor to kick us off on the start of Black History Month with this class on Inclusion and Diversity introducing you to Beatrice Opoku-Asare. Beatrice is the Global Director for Inclusion and Diversity at Newmont Mining. Founded in 1921 and publicly traded since 1925, Newmont, a S&P 500 company, is the largest gold mining company in the world with a market value close to 50 billion dollars. The company has been named for nine consecutive years as metals and mining sector leader by the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. The company operates in Nevada, Colorado, Quebec, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Australia, Ghana, Argentina, Peru and Suriname. 

As described in her introduction to the 2020 National Diversity Women's Leadership Conference, Beatrice’s role at Newmont involves partnering with the Board of Directors, Executives, and each operating region to build an inclusive workplace where differences and similarities are respected, valued and leveraged to achieve Newmont’s purpose.

Beatrice is an environmental scientist and before leading Newmont’s global inclusion initiative, worked within the technology and mining industry managing global mobility, human resources, talent acquisition and facilities management. Beatrice will talk to us about her strategy at Newmont and the importance of inclusion and diversity in global corporations.

Beatrice’s role at Newmont involves partnering with the Board of Directors, Executives, and each operating region to build an inclusive workplace.

Beatrice is passionate about using data to guide decisions that will leverage inclusion and diversity as a catalyst for enhanced business performance. Beatrice is one of those rare people that can align company’s values with strategic business outcomes, turn it into a change management plan and then have it implemented and keep track of the results. In 2018 Newmont was recognized by the National Association of Corporate Directors for its excellence in harnessing board diversity and innovation as a strategy for creating long-term value. Way earlier in 2014, under Beatrice vision and leadership, Newmont was one of the first companies to sign up the Paradigm for Parity, an action plan designed to accelerate the pace towards gender parity.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any other person or entity.
