Student - April 8, 2014 Fearing Punishment for Bad Genes Bioethics M.S. in Bioethics student Kira Peikoff writes for The New York Times about the effects of a major omission in the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Read More Related News All News Student Where Student Government Meets Financial Services: An Enterprise Risk Management Student’s Journey Enterprise Risk Management student William Zhu shares how becoming senator for SPS Student Government has accelerated his professional development. Student How One Columbia SPS Student Hopes to Offer Real Change to Individuals and Communities Through Financial Literacy Wealth Management Advancing Diversity Fellow Brandon Arnold is paving the way for future advisors from underrepresented backgrounds Student Columbia SPS Student Blends His Passion for Actuarial Science with a Commitment to Student Leadership Actuarial Science student Harshit Jain participates in the SPS Student Government as its treasurer. All News