More than 170 winter graduating students from nearly all of the School of Professional Studies master’s programs gathered with faculty, staff, and alumni in the Low Memorial Library rotunda for the School’s inaugural “150 Days 'Til Graduation” celebration this past December. The evening marked the end of their academic studies and the countdown to commencement.
Students took keepsake photos with classmates in the festive photo booths to celebrate the completion of their program, enjoyed hors d’ouevres, caught up with their classmates, and rubbed elbows with local Columbia University celebrity, Roar-EE. Dean Troy Eggers congratulated the February grads and applauded the students’ diligence in completing their coursework.
While the event signified the symbolic end of student life at SPS for many who attended, it was also a way to welcome the latest members to the vast Columbia alumni community. Donna McPhee (‘89CC), Vice President, Alumni Relations and President, Columbia Alumni Association, welcomed the graduates to the Columbia alumni family and encouraged them to stay connected and to make the most of the University’s global alumni network.
The SPS alumni team set up interactive booths for our newest grads to find out about how to make the most of their new alumni status. They connected with global and domestic alumni clubs, signed up for alumni career services, and gathered information on upcoming graduation ceremonies.
"We are so proud of our newest graduates and their extraordinary accomplishments,” remarked Sonal Pande, Associate Dean, Alumni Relations and Development at SPS. “We look forward to a lifelong connection. Congratulations and welcome to the SPS Alumni Family!"

2024 February grads from the Applied Analytics program having fun in the photo booth!

(l to r): Adam Gerber (‘22SPS, Strategic Communication), former School of Professional Studies Student Government (SPSSG) President; Elena Wilson (M.S. candidate in Nonprofit Management), current SPSSG President; and Caitlin Lasher (‘23SPS, Nonprofit Management), former SPSSG President.

Roar-EE making friends with some new grads.

(l to r): Zelon Crawford, Senior Associate Dean, Student Affairs, School of Professional Studies; Troy Eggers, Dean, School of the Professional Studies; and Sonal Pande, Associate Dean, Alumni Relations and Development, School of Professional Studies.

Graduating students enjoying the festivities at Low Memorial Library.

A heartfelt hug goodbye.
Please note that SPS graduation will be on May 10. Stay up to date on SPS graduation details here!