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Actuarial Science's Lina Xu Receives the 2020 Society of Actuaries' President's Award

Lina Xu, FSA, MAAA, Senior Academic Director of the Actuarial Science program at Columbia University's School of Professional Studies, was recently named a recipient of the Society of Actuaries' President's Award for 2020. 

On October 30, 2020, Society of Actuaries (SOA) President Andy Rallis announced the recipients, recognizing their dedication and support in advancing the actuarial profession.

"I would like to congratulate Lina Xu, who has done fantastic work with Columbia University's Actuarial Science program," Rallis said. "Many thanks for her efforts for growing and evolving the university program. I look forward to more karaoke at your next end-of-seminar event." 

Of the award, Xu said: "I am sincerely grateful for the recognition.  It is a great honor and a privilege to be a recipient of the award.

"This award reflects the effort of the Columbia Actuarial Science community as a whole. I attribute this award to our faculty/administration, alumni, students, and most importantly to all the speakers (twice per week proseminar sessions and other special events) from the industries, insurance and finance, for their inspirations and continuing support to the program."

Xu is a Fellow of the SOA and with a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Dr. Lina Xu has taught mathematics, statistics, actuarial science, and actuarial exam seminars for over 20 years. 

Learn more about the M.S. in Actuarial Science program.