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VOLVOX: Making Narrative Medicine Happen Alumni Speaker Series

Gestures of Caring: Writing and Publishing an Illness Memoir

N. West Moss, MA, MFA, CPA '19

Writing about illness can allow us to shape its narrative. In this talk, author N. West Moss will discuss how she experienced this process - and then further reshaped her work and shared it with the public as the memoir Flesh & Blood: Reflections on Infertility, Family, and Creating a Bountiful Life (Algonquin).

She will outline the journey to publication, as well as ways that we can all shape our narratives to assist in our own healing. Moss has also published a short-story collection and has a forthcoming novel. Other works has appeared The New York Times, Salon, and McSweeney's. 

Hosted by Cherie Henderson, MS'14