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VOLVOX: Making Narrative Medicine Happen Alumni Speaker Series

Witnessing the Witnesses: Research on Narrative Medicine for Nurses

Carmen Price, M.Ed. MS "19

Nurses carry an enormous burden in US healthcare, and it has only grown during the pandemic. After the pot-banging subsided, nurses were often simply told to “develop resilience,” or, worse, reminded that this was the job they signed up for. Carmen Price will explore how to tailor the practice of narrative medicine for the unique needs of this core group, drawing on in-progress research with nurse managers and others at an academic medical center. She will address how she has structured workshops, enticed participants and administrators, and designed her study. Price began her career as a nurse and now serves as a manager of leadership development at NYU Langone Health, while also teaching in the NM program.


Additional Speakers

Cherie Henderson, MS'14