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Understanding the Power of Postbaccalaureate Studies: from Graduate Preparation to Career Pivoting

The Postbaccalaureate Studies program at Columbia University provides flexible academic options for talented and motivated individuals who may be considering an eventual graduate school application, a potential career change, or simply want to take some classes for personal enjoyment.

Our program offers students a way to complete rigorous undergraduate and graduate courses in more than 100 subject areas and grants them the opportunity to study with Columbia's distinguished faculty and matriculating degree students*.

Who is this program for?
  • Working professionals looking to update their skillset
  • Career pivoters seeking preparatory coursework in their new field
  • Degree holders preparing to apply to graduate school or other professional
  • programs
  • Individuals with a personal academic passion or interest they would like to
  • explore

To learn more about this flexible and exciting educational opportunity, RSVP to this webinar today!

*a bachelor's degree is required to enter this program
