SPS Summer Public Event: The Whale of Wall St.
How do you tell a story of unprecedented global financial fraud committed by an elusive international fugitive?
In this conversation, Columbia Professors Winnie O’Kelley and David Henry Hwang will discuss the challenges of chronicling one of the generation's greatest financial frauds, perpetrated over the course of a decade by a mild-mannered Wharton School graduate and captured in the international bestseller Billion Dollar Whale. O’Kelley will speak on how she reported on the scandal for The New York Times, and Hwang will share his experience adapting the book for television.
Speakers include:
- Winnie O’Kelley, Bloomberg Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia Journalism School
- David Henry Hwang, Professor, Theatre School of the Arts, Columbia University
5:00 PM - Doors open
5:30 PM - Fireside chat begins
6:30 PM - Reception begins
7:00 PM - Event ends
Entrance: Broadway and West 116th Street. Please use the Southwest Entrance doors of Low Library to enter the building then head to Faculty Room on the second floor.
In keeping with campus access procedures, registration for this event closes at 12 noon ET on Friday, June 14 or when capacity is reached.
Registered guests must enter campus at Broadway and 116th and allow additional time for campus access and event check-in. Walk-in guests without an active Columbia University ID (CUID) will not be permitted to enter campus. Upon arrival, all registered guests must show a government-issued ID and:
- CUID holders: active Columbia University ID
- Non-CUID holders: QR code issued by CU Guest Access via email aft er registration and no later than 2 hours prior to the event (please check your spam folder). The QR code is valid only for this event, and the name must match that on the guest’s government-issued ID.
Experience Columbia Public Events is a series featuring some of the University’s most accomplished faculty, alumni, and industry leaders in dynamic, intimate discussions around the themes of our Summer Session. This year, the events feature University leaders in Sustainability and Public Affairs, Art, Culture, and Finance in New York City.
For further information please contact Ella Weiner at ecw2160 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.