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The Promise and the Perils of Quantum Computing: What You Should Know and How to Prepare

We are at the dawn of the next great computing paradigm—the quantum age of computing. Major strides are happening at an alarming rate to bring quantum computers mainstream. When a commercial quantum computer does arrive, it will have a transformative impact on business and society, ushering in new medical breakthroughs, engineering feats, and technical advancements that are unthinkable today.

But with such promise comes peril. This panel discussion will bring together experts on the frontlines of the budding quantum industry to explore both sides of the quantum computing equation: the technical advancements happening now to bring quantum computers and quantum technologies out of the lab and into a commercial setting; and the quantum threat or how a quantum computer will break today’s encryption standards and what the industry is doing to protect digital infrastructures.

Attendees will walk away with a greater understanding of the opportunities ahead and how best to prepare their organizations, and the data and communications networks that run their businesses, for the quantum age.

Moderator: Shahryar Shaghaghi
Lecturer; Chief Technology Officer, Quantum Xchange


  • Peter Bordow
    SVP & Principal Systems Architect for Advanced Technology, Wells Fargo
  • Roger Grimes
    Data-Driven Defense Evangelist, KnowBe4, Inc.
  • Alireza Shabani
    Head of Quantum Research, Cisco


For event-related questions, please contact Jay Hirsch, jh3975 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.

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