NECR Webinar: Organizational Culture as a Complex Dynamical System
Join us in April when NECR program director Dr. Beth Fisher-Yoshida discusses negotiation with Lecturer and Chief Ombuds, International Committee of the Red Cross, Camilo Azcarate, JD.
Ombuds are designated “neutral-serving” as a confidential resource for members of an organization. The Standards of practice of Ombuds are independence, impartiality, informality and confidentiality. Ombuds spend most of their time working with individuals and teams, conducting consultations, facilitated conversations, mediations, and team facilitations. They also provide skill building activities such as trainings/webinars in areas connected to conflict management and team dynamics.
In addition, Ombuds also need to identify trends, issues, and concerns, and provide recommendations for addressing them. Ombuds are expected to positively influence the culture of organizations. However, compared with the complexity of individual and teams’ conflict dynamics, the culture of an organization is a notoriously complex and intractable issue.
We will introduce actual examples of the use of Dynamical Systems tools and skills by Ombuds to understand, illustrate and engage the complex dynamics inherent to organizational culture.
The Zoom link for this webinar will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours before the event.
For further information please contact Kjerstin Pugh (kep2137 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu).
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