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NECR May Webinar: The Data Myth - Interrogating the Evidence Base of Evidence-Based Peacebuilding

The Data Myth: Interrogating the Evidence-base of Evidence-based Peacebuilding

Join us in May when NECR program director Dr. Beth Fisher-Yoshida discusses negotiation with Roger Mac Ginty and Pamina Firchow.

This webinar, drawing on a forthcoming book, will interrogate the role of data in the contemporary conflict response sector. In particular, we will focus on a set of assumptions that posit that more data, faster data, and objective data will lead to better policy and practice outcomes. As will be argued, data is highly political and contingent on power - the power to collect, analyse and disseminate data. The webinar will seek to interrogate the set of assumptions that scaffold data, especially the consequences of casting peace and conflict as technical issues that can be ‘solved’ without recourse to human and political factors. Mindful of the policy implications of our concerns, we suggest ways in which the processes connected to conflict response data can address ethical and practical challenges that currently reinforce powerholders.

Roger Mac Ginty is professor at the Durham Global Security Institute and the School of Government and International Affairs, both at Durham University. With Pamina Firchow, he founded the Everyday Peace Indicators.

Pamina Firchow is associate professor at the Heller School for Social Policy at Brandeis University. With Roger Mac Ginty, she founded the Everyday Peace Indicators.

The Zoom link for this webinar will be distributed to registered attendees 24 hours before the event.

For further information please contact Kjerstin Pugh (kep2137 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu).

For additional information about program offerings at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 212-854-9666 or inquire [[at]] sps [[dot]] columbia [[dot]] edu.

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