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The Department of Mathematics offers courses in calculus, algebra, geometry, differential equations, linear algebra, topology, number theory, and knot theory.

For questions about specific courses, contact the department.


Mathematics Library

A comprehensive mathematics reference library is situated on the main floor of the Mathematics building.


Courses for First-Year Students

The systematic study of mathematics begins with one of the following: Calculus I, II, III, IV (Mathematics V1101, V1102, V1201, V1202); Honors mathematics A, B (Mathematics V1207, V1208). The calculus sequence is a standard course in differential and integral calculus; it is intended for students who need calculus primarily for its applications.

Students who have no previous experience with calculus or who do not feel able to start with a second course in it should begin with Calculus I. Students who are not adequately prepared for calculus are strongly advised to begin with Mathematics W1003.

The two-term honors mathematics sequence is designed for students with strong mathematical talent and motivation. Honors Math A-B is aimed at students with a strong grasp of one-variable calculus and a high degree of mathematical sophistication. It covers linear algebra as well as several-variables calculus, and prepares students for the more advanced courses offered by the department.

Students who wish to transfer from one division of calculus to another are allowed to do so beyond the date specified in the academic calendar. They are considered to be adjusting their level, not changing their programs, but they must make the change official through the Registrar.

For questions about specific courses, contact the department.
