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CDL Pre-Orientation Requirements

Career Design Lab Pre - Orientation Checklists

The Career Design Lab (CDL) has created orientation requirements to help students prioritize their career development. Below you will find three checklist options but you are required to complete ONLY ONE of the three checklists. Please select the checklist most relevant to you and your career experience.

The Summer internship application process has already opened in industries such as consulting, banking, technology, and others. If you wish to engage in this recruitment process, it is highly recommended that you complete the assignment checklist below. This work will help you to build the confidence to articulate your skills and values and understand the complexity of the US marketplace.

For those trying to advance or change careers, once you have started your course work, it will be difficult for you to prioritize your job search process.  It is encouraged that you take the time now to complete each of the checklist assignments. 

Again, you only need to complete one of the three above checklists. Please select the checklist most applicable to you and your professional background.

If you plan to attend the CDL Orientation Virtual Workshop on August 10th, it would benefit you to have your checklist done prior to attending the session. You are required to have a checklist completed by the first day of classes on September 6, 2022.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Career Design Lab at careerdesignlab [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu

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