The academic review process plays a pivotal role in maintaining the quality and effectiveness of the School of Professional Studies (SPS) educational programs, fostering continuous improvement, and guiding strategic planning decisions. To ensure a comprehensive and objective assessment during the confidential review process, SPS establishes internal and external review committees, which thoroughly evaluate the programs under review.
Committee Participation
Internal and external committees typically include three to four members of academic and industry leaders, selected based on their expertise and status in the field. The internal committee generally includes senior faculty members. Active members of a program under review may not serve on a program’s internal review committee.
In addition to reviewing the program’s self-study (no more than 20 pages, not including appendices) and advance materials, internal and external committee members are expected to participate in a one-day visit to Columbia University’s Morningside Campus, which includes stakeholder meetings with program administrators, faculty, students, and relevant deans, and a class observation.
After conducting the on-campus stakeholder meetings, the committee members work collectively to compile a report (5-7 pages), which includes the committee's findings and recommendations.
External committee members will be invited to attend an optional welcome dinner alongside program leadership on the evening preceding their on-site review. Following their campus visit, a formal dinner will be arranged for the committee to review preliminary findings and strategize on cooperative efforts in writing the report.
Each committee must work collectively to summarize its findings and recommendations in report format. A template including key components of the review will be provided. Each committee is expected to submit its report within four weeks of the campus visit, with a maximum of 5 to 7 pages.
In alignment with the Arts and Sciences Guidelines for Review, internal committees are provided with the external committee's report to review before finalizing the internal committee findings and recommendations.
All reports are commissioned for and by the Dean and will remain confidential.
External Review Committee Guidelines for Travel and Accommodations
External committee members are expected to travel to Columbia University’s Morningside Campus. Travel, lodging, transportation, and meals will be reimbursed by the School of Professional Studies.
Travel and Reimbursement Information
SPS recommends booking a Columbia University preferred hotel (which honors negotiated rates) and suggests The Arthouse Hotel New York (2178 Broadway, 78th Street). If booking directly with the hotel, please indicate that you are a guest of Columbia University.
Hotel bookings and travel arrangements may be made independently and reimbursed after the visit or by booking through a Columbia University travel agent (no out-of-pocket expense).
Columbia University will reimburse travel expenses (e.g., parking, ground transportation, flights, rail/bus tickets), lodging, and meals. Please note that itemized receipts are required for reimbursement.
Hotels will be reimbursed for three nights and should not exceed $350 per night. Meals should remain within the following pre-tax/tip thresholds: $25 for breakfast, $35 for lunch, and $75 for dinner. Tips cannot exceed 20%. Travel by personal vehicle will be reimbursed based on the federal IRS-approved highway mileage guides. If you plan to travel by car and require parking, a list of Morningside Campus parking garages may be found on Columbia University's Visitor's website.
Please be aware that reimbursement rates are determined at the discretion of Columbia University and may be subject to change.
For questions regarding the Academic Review Committee Guidelines, please contact Erin O’Connell, Assistant Director of Graduate Programs, at or (646) 656-2329.