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Yellow Level from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.: Open to all. Orange Level from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.: CUID holders and pre-authorized guests only; limited campus entry points. Read more.
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Lucinda (Luci) Rawe

Alumni, Construction Administration

2021 Construction Administration Student Fellow

"The majority of my building and managing experience has been on site, so I have come to this program to expand my project management skills and find the perfect harmony between on and off site supervision. I believe it advantageous to learn from project participants both in the field and in the office to most accurately manage the complexities of a construction project. Columbia’s community of industry professionals is unparalleled - even after my first semester, I have already gained so much insight from fellow students and faculty - and the excitement to share and learn is evident in all my courses. I look forward to seeing what else it has to offer, especially in the field of green building and energy efficiency."