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SPS Team Spotlight: Instructional Support

The Instructional Support team delivers academic operational services across all programs at SPS. This past year, the Instructional Support team pivoted their activities to meet a behemoth undertaking: to bring Columbia to our students, wherever they were. The team set up HyFlex classrooms to accommodate students and faculty who were on campus, and streamlined other classes for a fully online learning experience. Members of the team discuss the challenges of the past year, what surprised them about along the way, and what they are excited about for the upcoming fall semester. 

So many curve balls were thrown our way this year but if I had to highlight one, it would be adapting to the virtual interactions. This last year made us realize how much our team loves to interact with each other in person.

Steven Thomas, Associate Director, Instructional Support  

What has been the most challenging aspect of this year?  

Wow, where do I start! So many curve balls were thrown our way this year but if I had to highlight one, it would be adapting to the virtual interactions. This last year made us realize how much our team loves to interact with each other in person. So not being able to pop in by someone's desk to say "how was your weekend" or "what are you having for lunch" was tough at first, but we quickly found other ways to supplement those interactions with team builders and regularly scheduled check-ins. 

What were your original concerns about returning to campus?  

I'd have to say my major concerns were based on what the daily interactions with having everyone back on campus would look like. Would people adhere to the strict guidelines and continue to wear their masks? I also wondered if Columbia would have its own COVID protocol, versus what the state was mandating. It was reassuring to see that Columbia followed New York State's mandates while adding additional precautions. 

Did anything surprise you when you did return?   

I was surprised at how everyone who was on campus at the time adhered to the guidelines put in place. Not once have I encountered someone without a mask inside Lewisohn. 

What advice do you have for your colleagues who haven’t yet worked in-person this year? 

I would recommend coming in a few times prior to the return to campus start date so that you can acclimate yourself with your space again, travel/commute time, planning and budgeting lunch, etc. It's building a routine again because it's been over a year since most had to do it. It can be a big adjustment if you're planning to do it all in one day. 

What are you most excited about this fall?

Being able to see everyone in person! 

On campus when we first returned there was a man painting the most beautiful images of Columbia from the steps near College Walk. That little bit of 'only-in-NYC-normal' put a smile on my face.

Mariha King, Instructional Support Assistant  

What has been the most challenging aspect of this year? 

One of the most challenging things about this year has been keeping safe at work and still doing my job efficiently. Especially being pregnant during this time. 

What were your original concerns about returning to campus? 

Originally my main concern was interacting with colleagues and staff, and making sure I stayed safe, as well as those who worked around me. 

Did anything surprise you when you did return?   

SPS’ willingness to hear out issues that arose as we returned to campus. No question or concern was too small to handle. SPS truly cared about our wellbeing.  

Do you have any only-in-New York stories that you saw on campus this past year?  

On campus when we first returned there was a man painting the most beautiful images of Columbia from the steps near College Walk. That little bit of “only-in-NYC-normal” put a smile on my face.  

Any HyFlex tech mishaps? Any HyFlex success stories?   

HyFlex mishaps were mostly due to not everyone muting themselves on Zoom. It took everyone a little bit of time to learn HyFlex etiquette.  

When students and faculty felt like the class flowed and didn’t feel restricted by the new virtual norm, I knew that the HyFlex modality was a success.  

Is there anything you think we could change for the better at SPS, after going through the past year? 

No, this was all a learning curve--not just for Columbia, but for the world. SPS did the best the School could under unprecedented circumstances and set the bar for others on Columbia’s campus for how to make it all work during a pandemic.  

What advice do you have for your colleagues who haven’t yet worked in-person this year?

Protect yourself, be smart, stay safe, and know that Columbia has your back. 

What are you most excited about this fall?  

I am most excited to see campus buzzing with in-person excitement. You do not miss human interaction until you have no choice. Cherish every hello.  

What I am most excited for in the fall is to see the campus active again. Although COVID is still a major concern, it’s a bittersweet feeling to see things falling back into place—as long as it doesn’t risk people’s lives.

Rafael Senices, Instructional Support Assistant 

What has been the most challenging aspect of this year? 

The most challenging for me has been trying to adapt to an appropriate social etiquette when interacting with other colleagues. As one of the first teams back on campus as essential staff while COVID was still at its peak in NYC, it was scary to navigate social distancing when guidelines were continuously changing.

Did anything surprise you when you did return?  

Being one of the first teams who returned to work in person, it was not that surprising to see the emptiness of campus. However, it was certainly weird. The once vibrant open campus of Morningside felt eerily quiet. It served as an example of how much the pandemic had affected NYC. 

What advice do you have for your colleagues who haven’t yet worked in-person this year?  

Some advice I would give to colleagues who have yet to return to campus--try to remain respectful of other people’s spaces as we transition back. Some of us are still adjusting to the “reopening” stages and want to ensure we are still taking precautions.

What are you most excited about this fall? 

What I am most excited for in the fall is to see the campus active again. Although COVID is still a major concern, it’s a bittersweet feeling to see things falling back into place--as long as it doesn’t risk people’s lives.

I am looking forward and excited to see what the 'new normal' looks like with people returning back to campus. I miss the social interaction I once had with other people in other departments who worked within SPS. Definitely looking forward to seeing familiar faces, in person this time!

Daniel Zayas, Instructional Support Assistant 

What has been the most challenging aspect of this year?

The most challenging aspect for me was adapting to social distancing guidelines as they were changing throughout the year. It was difficult working while keeping these guidelines in consideration to make sure that not only I felt comfortable, but also the people I was assisting felt comfortable.  

What were your original concerns about returning to campus?

The commute, as I relied heavily on public transportation. 

What advice do you have for your colleagues who haven’t yet worked in-person this year? 

Some advice I would give to colleagues is to be mindful of those around them. Everyone is still trying their best to adapt to New York reopening. I would also recommend thoroughly sanitizing their desks upon their return, especially if they will be sharing a workspace. 

What are you most excited about this fall?  

I am looking forward and excited to see what the 'new normal' looks like with people returning back to campus. I miss the social interaction I once had with other people in other departments who worked within SPS. Definitely looking forward to seeing familiar faces, in person this time! 

With so many people relying on technology in our world today, it's not unusual for tech mishaps to happen. However, being a part of the IS team prepares you to deal with any and all issues that might arise and that gives us the resources to turn all mishaps into success stories.

Julissa Montijo, Instructional Support Assistant 

What has been the most challenging aspect of this year? 

The most challenging aspect for me has been training and trying to get to know people and the campus during COVID, as I am the newest member of the team--I have been with SPS for four months. Another challenging aspect has been wearing a mask throughout the day, it really is a lot easier than it looks once you've gotten used to it. 

What were your original concerns about returning to campus? 

Prior to working on campus, I had been home working remotely for a year, so my main concern was getting sick with COVID through my commute or from someone at work. 

Did anything surprise you when you did return?  

I was truly surprised by all of the protocols and safety measures the campus had taken. 

Any HyFlex tech mishaps? Any HyFlex success stories?  

With so many people relying on technology in our world today, it's not unusual for tech mishaps to happen. However, being a part of the IS team prepares you to deal with any and all issues that might arise and that gives us the resources to turn all mishaps into success stories. 

Is there anything you think we could change for the better at SPS, after going through the past year?  

I think SPS is doing a wonderful job and from my time here, I can see that they are always pushing for a better School. 

What advice do you have for your colleagues who haven’t yet worked in-person this year? 

My advice would be to come in at least once or twice before you officially have to. This way, you can take a look around and get a feel of what is happening on campus and how things are functioning. I know when I finally came in and saw how the campus was operating, I was able to relax a little bit.  

What are you most excited about this fall?

I am mostly excited to see what the campus looks like when everyone is back.  

I think updating classroom technologies University-wide would be great because it shows how beneficial it can be to have these HyFlex options. Even in a post-COVID world, the opportunity to get this level of education from anywhere in the world would be extremely valuable.

John Tran, Instructional Support Supervisor 

What has been the most challenging aspect of this year?

The most challenging aspect of this year would be coordinating the huge quantities of factors that enable HyFlex to be a success. Scheduling Video Assistants, Training Video Assistants and faculty, learning the new technology. 

What were your original concerns about returning to campus?

The original concerns I had were, is it safe to be traveling? Is commuting safe?

Did anything surprise you when you did return?  

There wasn't anything that came as a big surprise. Everything was constantly changing and we had to constantly adjust. We always had to be prepared for any challenges that came our way. 

Do you have any only-in-New York stories that you saw on campus this past year?

The funniest thing I remember seeing is how much gear people would wear to be outside. Almost borderline Hazmat suits. 

Any HyFlex tech mishaps? Any HyFlex success stories?  

With HyFlex, one of the challenges is getting the audio to register all of the students in a given space. We have so many success stories of people learning to overcome this challenge. Seeing faculty who have never dealt with this kind of teaching and overcoming these challenges by coming to our training sessions were real success stories. 

Is there anything you think we could change for the better at SPS, after going through the past year?

I think updating classroom technologies University-wide would be great because it shows how beneficial it can be to have these HyFlex options. Even in a post-COVID world, the opportunity to get this level of education from anywhere in the world would be extremely valuable.  

What advice do you have for your colleagues who haven’t yet worked in-person this year? 

Things are not going to go back to normal overnight, so the best advice I can give is to be patient with those around you. Just like in the beginning of the pandemic, we're in this together. 

What are you most excited about this fall?  

Being able to experience on-campus events and lectures again.