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Audible's Chief People Officer Anne Erni Guest Lectures at Integrated Talent Management Strategies Class

Anne Erni, Chief People Officer for Audible, joined our Integrated Talent Management Strategies class to share her experiences as a business leader across multiple industries. Particularly at this point in the semester, we could not have asked for a better guest speaker to bring together business strategy linked to HCM strategy, and to illustrate how HCM professionals can develop an integrated approach across functions to support their organizations. 

Anne described her background of working on the trading floor of a global financial firm before making a move into HCM, or “people and places,” as Anne likes to call it. Anne’s business understanding helped her see that the tip of the spear is strategy – to be really clear on what you want to deliver and then build the capabilities needed. Organization structure, competencies, talent, accountability, rewards, metrics must be brought together to impact strategy, and through this, HCM professionals have the opportunity to affect the whole organization’s success.

HCM professionals have the opportunity to affect the whole organization’s success.

Anne’s unique vantage point is working with founder-based companies, as she has had the chance to practice HCM at Lehman Brothers, Bloomberg, and now Audible. When asked to share her experience on what makes a good leader in 2021, Anne described what she refers to as “The AND factor”: seemingly contradictory characteristics that, together, produce a powerful combination. For example, Anne talked about being confident AND humble, intuitive and data-driven, looking at the whole and focusing on detail.

At Audible, with CEO / Founder Don Katz and the leadership team, Anne has developed five overarching People Principles that relate to all Audible employees and to the culture overall. Anne was asked about Audible’s focus on DEI language that goes beyond “diversity” and “inclusion.” Anne explained that at Audible, the language and meaning of belonging better reflects the intention of the culture the leaders want to create.

The language and meaning of belonging better reflects the intention of the culture the leaders want to create.

The students also appreciated hearing such an accomplished HR executive talk about her experience with flexible working. Throughout her career, both as a working professional herself and as an HR leader supporting others, Anne has role modeled flexibility. Her secret? Being very focused on outcomes and knowing how to problem solve and bring value.

When asked to offer career advice, Anne – with clear enthusiasm for the HR profession and the impact we can make - shared three items:

  1. Find an entry point that excites you – for example, as an HR Business Partner or in a particular Center of Expertise
  2. Spot a gap and come up with a solution before you are asked – this helps you define what you bring to the party.
  3. Build your reputation - become expert at something and be known for it.

Thank you, Anne, for sharing your experiences and your story with us! 

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any other person or entity. 
