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Return to Campus for the Spring Semester

Dear Colleagues,

Before I share a few important notes about next semester, special thanks to all of you for following the Columbia Community Health Compact. Even more thanks to your SPS Student Government for leading the way. Please keep up the good work!

As we look ahead to next semester, please read about the University’s testing requirement for spring. You must satisfy this requirement before returning to campus in January. Testing appointments can be made in advance at one of Columbia Health’s five listed locations.

SPS will be restarting HyFlex instruction on January 11. In-person instruction for those courses will begin only once the instructor has passed the gateway test and satisfied the other re-entry criteria. We are working with our faculty to get all that done quickly. Similarly, SPS students registered for in-person instruction may begin attending in-person only once they have passed the gateway test and satisfied the other re-entry criteria. You may have heard that many schools at Columbia are planning for only remote instruction for the first two weeks of the semester. This is not the case for SPS. Keeping the Compact is vital to our spring restart.

I wish you all a peaceful, relaxing, and well-earned winter break. For those of you in New York City, I hope you are enjoying the snow!


Troy Eggers

Interim Dean, School of Professional Studies

Executive Vice Provost, Columbia University