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IKNS Community Virtual Open House

The M.S. in Infomation and Knowledge Strategy (IKNS) program is hosting its VIRTUAL IKNS Community Open House and Cohort Reunion on Tuesday, March 31. Our guest speaker will be Alison Bakken,  Head of Strategic Resourcing at Thomson Reuters.

Speaker: Alison Bakken - “Agile Leadership for a Rapidly Changing World”

As the COVID-19 crisis increasingly shifts us into a “new normal”, more than ever, leaders must embrace an Agile approach to how we work and how we live. Alison Bakkan, Head of Strategic Resourcing at Thomson Reuters, will discuss the lessons learned by Thomas Reuters along their Agile journey, how today’s pandemic has made Agile leadership even more critical, and what challenges may lie ahead during these uncertain times. Alison’s talk will include breakout discussions, in which IKNS students, alumni, and faculty will address challenges their organizations are currently facing, as well as a plenary discussion and Q & A session.

Virtual Cohort Reunion

Reconnect with classmates from your cohort in a special Virtual Cohort Reunion breakout session. We will provide breakout rooms for each cohort. 

If you are a graduate or prospective student of the IKNS program, please join your classmates and IKNS friends on Tuesday.


Additional Speakers

Alison Bakken