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NECR Student Wins 2017 Morton Deutsch Award For Social Justice

Hadia A. Sheerazi received the Morton Deutsch Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper during the Deutsch Awards for Social Justice, for a work entitled “(In)Visible Women: When Sports Arenas Become Battlegrounds for Gender Equality.” Sheerazi is pursuing a dual Master’s degree in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution and Sustainability Management at Columbia University, and she is an AC4 fellow of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity.

Outside of schoolwork, she also serves as an Ambassador for the ONE Campaign, Girl Rising, Half the Sky, and A World at School. She is a Youth Expert in the Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network (CYCN) and Honorary Advisory to the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development at the United Nations. Her research and advocacy focuses on the intersections between sustainability, climate change, disaster risk reduction, gender, and peace and security.