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How Social Media Can Fast Track Your Career

Job-hunting seems like a waiting game: First, you submit a resume and cover letter. You wait. Next, you complete an interview. You wait again. Then, you follow up after the interview. You wait once more.

It appears as though hiring managers hold majority of the power, but you actually have greater control over your career than you believe. Often, people only use social media to connect with family and friends. But employers have accounts, too. Use that to your advantage to fast track your career. Caroline Henley, Content and Social Media Specialist at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies, explains how.


  • Turn on the feature that allows recruiters to contact you. If employers know you are looking for a new position, you will appear in their relevant searches.
  • List your skills in your bio’s tagline instead of your title. Recruiters will immediately notice your skills and know if you are a match for their company.
  • Affiliate yourself with your current company or university – use a branded header photo and share company posts. Employers seek engaged candidates who are proud of what they do and are willing to spread their team’s work.


  • The most standout part of your account is your profile picture. When you’re job searching, the image should be one you’d like to project to the world.
  • Be mindful of any negative and inappropriate content, which always has the potential to resurface once it’s public and online.
  • If you are uncomfortable with employers snooping your profile, adjust your privacy and public settings.


  • Affiliate your bio with your skills and interests, and share relevant posts from your company and university to showcase your background and experiences.
  • Conferences and events often promote a unique hashtag. Post using the hashtag to publish your learnings, read insights, and engage with others in your industry.
  • Scout out company founders or others who have deep expertise in your industry to keep up with current projects and industry trends.