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Phoebe Simmer: From Managing Accounts to Creating Brands

At SPS Phoebe...

  • Sought to build out her analytical skills
  • Finessed her writing and presentation craft
  • Interned at a global marketing agency
  • Learned how to reposition brands
  • Turned her time at Columbia into a fulltime job…

You were already working as an account manager at an agency in Australia. What brought you to SPS?

I did my undergrad in PR and advertising and took a 3-year course at the University of Technology in Sydney. I was working in account management at M&C Saatchi. After about three years, I decided that I wanted to move on to strategic planning, but I needed to build out my analytical skills. That’s when I discovered the Strategic Communication Program at Columbia. The curriculum was tailored to analytical thinking and finessing writing and presentation skills. I felt it would help get me where I wanted to go.

How did you decide on Columbia?

New York has always been a dream of mine. The career prospects here are fantastic. There’s an internship component to the program as well. It’s great hands-on experience that you can’t get anywhere else. SPS also transitions you to New York very smoothly, and there is a strong international community.

Your internship led to your current job, didn’t it?

Yes. I interned at FutureBrand where I am currently working. I landed a summer internship in the strategy department as an analyst, which was fantastic. When I graduated, they offered me a fulltime role. Today I’m a brand strategist. For instance, I worked on the repositioning of Pitney Bowes. We’re redefining them and what their future will look like. It’s what I wanted to do when I entered the program.

How do you feel about your Columbia experience?

I think the network of people in your cohort is really beneficial. Even with alumni, there was a strong community. Having those connections in the city was great; you don’t get that anywhere else.

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Phoebe Simmer