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Jeffrey Fagan; Faculty Affiliate

Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law, Columbia Law School; Professor of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health

Jeffrey Fagan, Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law at Columbia Law School and Professor of Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, is also a senior research scholar at Yale Law School, where he is a frequent visiting professor. His research and scholarship examines policing, the legitimacy of the criminal law, capital punishment, legal socialization of adolescents, neighborhoods and crime, and juvenile crime and punishment. He served on the Committee on Law and Justice of the National Academy of Science from 2000-2006, and on the MacArthur Foundation’s Research Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice. He was a member of the 2004 National Research Council panel that examined policing in the U.S. He has been an expert witness on capital punishment to the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. He is a fellow of the American Society of Criminology, and served on its executive board for three years. He is past editor of the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and serves on the editorial boards of several journals in criminology and law.


  • Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
  • M.S., State University of New York at Buffalo
  • B.E., New York University


  • “Stops and Stares: Race and Proactive Policing,” (with Anthony Braga, Rod Brunson, and April Pattavina), 43 Fordham Urban Law Journal, forthcoming, 2016
  • “New Policing, New Segregation,” (with Elliot Ash), Georgetown Law Journal, forthcoming, 2016
  • “The Effects of Local Crime Surges on Crime and Arrests in New York City,” (with J. MacDonald and A.B. Geller), PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157223. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.015722
  • “Terry’s Original Sin, University of Chicago Legal Forum,” forthcoming, 2016
  • “Following the Script: Narratives of Suspicion in Terry Stops in Street Policing,” (with Amanda B. Geller),  82 University of Chicago Law Review 51, 2015
  • “American Policing in the 21st Century: Legitimacy is a Key Concern,” (with T.R. Tyler), 40 Fordham Urban Law Journal 119, 2015
  • “The Salience of Social Contextual Factors in Appraisals of Police Interactions with Citizens: A Randomized Factorial Experiment,” (with Braga, Anthony A., et al.), Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2014
  • “Aggressive Policing and the Health of Young Urban Men,” 104 American Journal of Public Health 2311, 2014, (with Amanda B. Geller and T. Tyler)
  • “Policing, Crime, and Legitimacy in New York and Los Angeles: The Social and Political Contexts of Two Historic Crime Declines,” (with J. MacDonald) The Uncertain Future (David Halle and Andrew Beveridge, eds.), Oxford University Press 243, 2013
  • “Race and Selective Enforcement in Public Housing,” with (G. Davies and A. Carlis.), 9 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2012
  • “Street Stops and Broken Windows Revisited: Race and Order Maintenance Policing in a Safe and Changing City,” (Fagan, J., et al.) Exploring Race, Ethnicity and Policing: Essential Readings, (S. Rice and M. White, eds.), New York University Press 309, 2010
  • “Pot as Pretext: Marijuana, Race and the New Disorder in New York City Street Policing,” (with A.B. Geller) 7 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 591, 2010
