Tia Powell, MD
Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center; Co-Founder, Slow Code Media
Tia Powell, MD is Co-Founder of Slow Code Media, which uses the power of story to bring engaging, accurate and dramatic content to TV, film and print media. She is Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center, and previously was director of the Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics. Dr. Powell’s bioethics work focuses on public policy, aging, dementia, end-of-life care, and public health disasters. She served as Executive Director of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, which was New York State’s bioethics commission. She founded and directed Einstein’s MS program in Bioethics. Dr. Powell has worked with the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine on many projects, and currently chairs their Committee for Research Priorities for Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. She has worked with the CDC, NY State and City, and various professional organizations on issues related to public health ethics and disasters. She served as special advisor to AHRQ on ethics, dementia and multiple chronic conditions. She is on the American Psychiatric Association ethics committee and is a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine and the Hastings Center. She wrote Dementia Reimagined: Building a Life of Joy and Dignity from Beginning to End, published by Penguin Random House. Dr. Powell received a BA from Harvard College and MD from Yale Medical School.