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NECR Workshop: Decoding Negotiation Systems

Complex negotiations can be chaotic, but they share underlying features. For example, as linked sets of actors emerge in a regional conflict system, they are integrated into larger negotiation networks. Through negotiation system analysis methods, we can learn more about how actors are interconnected in such networks, how they influence agreements, and how they translate their position in a negotiation network into power. In this interactive workshop, participants will engage in a short negotiation exercise, learn more about negotiation systems research, and discuss theoretical and practical implications for negotiation and conflict resolution.

Speaker: Arvid Bell is a Lecturer on Government at Harvard University and a Partner with Negotiation Design & Strategy (NDS), a training, advisory and research development group that specializes in negotiation and crisis management in complex environments and high-risk situations. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at AC4.

Audience: This workshop is open to current Columbia University graduate students, NECR alumni, and faculty with an interest in negotiation.

For further information please contact Kjerstin Pugh (kep2137 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu).

For additional information about program offerings at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 212-854-9666 or inquire [[at]] sps [[dot]] columbia [[dot]] edu.
