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Blog: Sustainability Management Student and HBCU Fellow Kyle Jacobs on His Film 'I Don’t Care'

Combining the lessons from his Sustainability Management program experience with his passion for filmmaking, Columbia HBCU Fellow Kyle Jacobs is collaborating with the Columbia Film School on his debut short film, I Don't Care. The film showcases individuals from some of the top HBCUs, including Hampton University, Virginia State University, Norfolk State University, and Howard University. 

Here’s what Jacobs had to say about the film and his Columbia experience: 

“The Columbia HBCU Fellowship and Sustainability Management program have given me a unique opportunity to explore the intersection of sustainability and film. I have been able to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainable practices in the film industry and how they can positively impact our environment. My passion for sustainability has been reflected in my work, particularly in my film project, which aims to raise awareness about the impact of our water consumption on the environment. I believe that through this project, I can contribute to promoting sustainable practices and inspire people to take action to protect our planet.                          

“During my program, I was inspired to create a film that focused on the environmental aspects of sustainability. But I also wanted to explore the social dimension and how it impacts our daily lives. My goal with my film is to raise awareness about the crucial role that sustainable practices play in preserving our planet for future generations. By exploring the negative consequences of unsustainable behaviors, I hope to encourage viewers to think more critically about their own actions—and make positive changes in their daily lives. I aim to shed light on the importance of being mindful of our resource consumption and waste production and how these choices can have significant impacts on the health of our environment. I hope to inspire audiences by presenting a compelling narrative that highlights the challenges we face and the solutions available to us.

“Combining my passion for film with a desire to create a positive social impact is a powerful tool for change. As a filmmaker, I have the unique ability to tell stories that can inspire and motivate people to take action. By bringing together my love for filmmaking and my passion for social impact, I can create meaningful works that challenge viewers to think deeply about the world around them. My commitment to storytelling can help to bring important issues to the forefront, spark important conversations, and raise awareness about the causes I care about most. With my talent and dedication, I have the potential to continue bringing my stories to life, connecting with audiences, and making a difference in the world.”

The Columbia University M.S. in Sustainability Management provides students cutting-edge policy and management tools they can use to help public and private organizations and governments address environmental impacts and risks, pollution control, and remediation to achieve sustainability. The program is customized for working professionals and is offered as both a full- and a part-time course of study.

The Sustainability Management application deadline for fall 2023 is May 15, 2023. Learn more here.