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Senior Vice Dean Dr. Steven Cohen Appears on Fox Weather to Discuss How the Inflation Reduction Act Addresses Climate Change

On August 16, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. The reconciliation package is the biggest climate initiative ever passed by the U.S. government, as it will invest roughly $370 billion to promote clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Dr. Cohen, a former policy analyst and consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was invited by Fox Weather to discuss the implications of the bill.

Dr. Cohen said the legislation will accelerate the conversion to clean energy technologies, such as solar energy and wind energy, by providing incentives. It would also promote energy efficiency and speed up the country’s transition to electric vehicles. With tax credits and subsidizations, the bill has the potential to jump-start America’s electric vehicle industry in the competitive global market, leading the world to a greener future. "Instead of punishing people for using the wrong kind of fuel, this would reward people for using the right kind of fuel,” he said. 

Dr. Cohen is the Senior Vice Dean of Columbia’s School of Professional Studies and Program Director of the Master of Science in Sustainability Management. He is also the Director of the Master of Public Administration program in Environmental Science and Policy at the School of International and Public Affairs, as well as the Director of the Earth Institute’s research program on Sustainability Policy and Management.


Learn more about Columbia’s Sustainability Management M.S. program.