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NECR Webinar: Peacebuilding in Colombia

Every summer, the M.S. in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (NECR) program offers an international fieldwork practicum that allows students to learn about and experience peacebuilding through the lens and experiences of local organizations and community leaders on the ground. 

This past summer, students explored some of the ways peacebuilding is experienced in Colombia, a country that has witnessed the longest internal violent conflict of the western hemisphere. Peacebuilding in Colombia has been approached in two fundamental ways: top-down (institutional attempts to negotiate peace with illegal groups) and at the community level (organic and creative peacebuilding as a response to disruption). During this webinar, the instructors and students will share the research and learning that transpired during their visit.

For questions, please contact Kjerstin Pugh (kep2137 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu). 

For additional information about program offerings at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 212-854-9666 or inquire [[at]] sps [[dot]] columbia [[dot]] edu.
