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ALP Student Hina Takemura on Volunteering with New York Cares

Hina Takemura is a full-time student studying Intensive Academic English in Columbia University's American Language Program, where she is learning among motivated students from all over the world. As soon as Hina moved from Japan to New York City in the fall of 2021, she connected with New York Cares, the largest volunteer network in NYC, to find opportunities for community service. Hina discusses her experience in the program and what she finds most valuable in her volunteer work. 

How are you finding the ALP program? What are you hoping to do once you finish the program?

Exchanging thoughts and ideas with other ALP students is extremely valuable as the group is so culturally diverse. They are all so motivated and inspiring to me in their own ways, and have helped me think more freely about what I really want to do in the future. 

When the program is over, I am planning to apply for graduate school in Japan to study international development. The classes will be conducted in English, so my language learning will continue even after the ALP program finishes. I like helping people and doing what I can for those in need, especially for people living in least developed countries. I am so grateful for the volunteer opportunities I have connected with in NYC.

Tell us about the specific volunteering activities you've found most rewarding so far. 

I have found meal prep most rewarding. It might be a tedious job for some people, yet for me, it gives me a sense of honor. I can simply say to myself, “I am helping people,” or, “those who receive this food that I am preparing will be happy.” This sense of achievement makes me feel jubilant.

How did you get involved in local volunteer opportunities? 

Last semester, I registered as a member of New York Cares, and participated in several activities, most of which are food preparation and distribution to NYC community members.  


Why do you volunteer?

I love helping people. I knew it would be a great opportunity for me to meet new people in New York and do what I’m passionate about at the same time. And it’s definitely worthwhile to spend time with other volunteers who also wish to help people.

What advice do you have for students who are thinking about volunteering in NYC?

If you want to experience more in NYC, volunteering is one of the best ways to do so. Many volunteers are so generous that you might be able to make new friends there.