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Pandemic Lessons: How can we avoid giving (or getting) Covid-19 for the holidays?

Since Thanksgiving, Erie County and Western New York have been experiencing a significant rise in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant. With the upcoming winter holidays, will we see another spike in hospitalization and ICU numbers? Although it’s too early to tell, we must learn how to live with COVID.

Columbia’s Bioethics Professor Dr. Klitzman begins with an analogy. Before, “indoor smoking and blowing smoke in people’s faces was OK.” Now that we know that this harms people, smoking policies have changed since “we believe you shouldn’t harm other people.” This relates to COVID, whereby understanding the transference of the virus will perpetuate spread, and hurt others. Therefore, vaccinating, obtaining the booster, optimizing ventilation, and social distancing are all optimal strategies we should abide by.

Should you avoid religious services? Well, not necessarily, he says. Attending worship service in a spacious area with high ceilings could be relatively safe. Furthermore, those engaging their spiritual side are likely to see improvements in mental health, blood pressure, and loneliness.

Read Dr. Robert Klitzman’s article here