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Three Tips on Using Social Media to Boost Your Business

Cut through the noise with strategic content and use social media to promote your business with these three tips from Dorie Clark, marketing consultant and guest lecturer for the Master of Science in Strategic Communication program at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies.

1. Create your own content.

By creating interesting content that's relevant to your business and target audience, you can manage what people see when they search for you or your business. This way, you control the conversation about your brand and can even push negative opinions further down in the search results, Clark says. Creating strong content tied to your business’s name will also attract clients. With the right content, you can both build your brand and generate leads.

2. Use social media to build your network.

Social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn are a great way to turn cold connections into warm relationships. Twitter, in particular, beats email or a phone call when you want to reach thought leaders. Although leaders usually have an assistant who acts as a gatekeeper for their inbox and phone, high-level people typically don't enlist someone to manage their Twitter account. That means that influential, powerful people typically manage their own accounts and are more likely to respond to DMs (direct messages) than other forms of messaging.

3. Make your social media handles easy to find.

Each instance of your web presence – such as your bio, website, and portfolio – should include links to your social media handles and business website, advises Clark. The last thing anyone wants to do is Google “[your business] + Twitter” to find your account, so make them as easy as possible to find. When in doubt, just use your name, which is the most intuitive way for people to find you on Twitter.