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The Potential Damage From Donald Trump's Voter Fraud Tweets

President-elect Donald J. Trump made news on Sunday by firing off Tweets that claimed that "millions of people" voted illegally. While he was obstensibly expressing his frustration with not winning the popular vote, and while these claims related to the news of a recount in three battleground states, his Tweets seem to point to a more threatening possibility: that a Trump administration wants to make voting more difficult.

Dr. Sharyn O’Halloran, Senior Vice Dean and Chief Academic Officer for the School of Professional Studies at Columbia University was quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle regarding Trump's motivation with these tweets: "He is speaking to the extreme part of his support group, the group that is antigovernment, that feels that government can’t be trusted.” O’Halloran, the author of The Future of the Voting Rights Act concluded, “He goes right to their worst fears. He motivates that core base that he tapped into that felt alienated by the traditional Democratic Party.”

Read more about Trump's voting tweets at the San Francisco Chronicle and learn more about the School of Professional Studies.

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