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IKNS Academy | Distinguished Speaker Series: The Bionic Company

A new IKNS Academy | Distinguished Speaker Series presentation was held on June 11th on how a bionic organization brings people and machines together across all business activities.

Companies that manage six forms of capital (financial, human, natural, behavioral, cognitive and network) are what could be called Bionic Corporations: Some of which have gained immense value in very short amounts of time. For example, five of the most highly capitalized companies in the U.S. stock market are bionic: Apple, Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon together account for about 13 percent of the capitalization of the entire U.S. stock market. Bionic companies have grown rapidly without relying solely on physical assets such as people and land, or even on managing funds and investments effectively. Instead, they have grown by building and linking digitally based cross-boundary platforms that make the most of their BeCoN capital.

Dr. Edward Hoffman, Academic Director of the Master of Science in Information and Knowledge Strategy (IKNS) program, interviewed Dr. John Sviokla, PwC Principal, on his innovative perspective on this topic.

Watch a recording of the presentation above.