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Health & Human Rights in the Era of COVID-19: What are the Ethical Issues?

Bioethics Academic Director Dr. Robert Klitzman hosted "Health & Human Rights in the Era of Covid-19: What Are the Ethical Issues?" The webcast examined critical ethical issues concerning COVID-19 in the US and the developing world, and featured:

  • Stephen Morse, PhD, Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia University; author,  "Emerging Viruses" (selected as one of the "Top 100 Science Books of the 20th Century").

  • Kenneth Prager, MD, Director of Clinical Ethics and Chair, Clinical Ethics Committee, Columbia University Medical Center

  • David Wohl, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases at UNC, co-founder, #whitecoatoutrage

In the clip below, Dr. David Wohl discusses the supply and demand of medical personal protective equipment, and how that relates to the bigger question of leadership in pandemic preparedness. 

Dr. Stephen Morse discusses geographical and demographic comparisons among those affected by the disease. 

Dr. Ken Prager discusses how age might become a factor in healthcare workers' decision-making of who receives treatment.