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Michael A. Cohen

Lecturer; Principal, Cohen Strategic Consulting

Michael A. Cohen is Principal of Cohen Strategic Consulting. He advises insurance companies on optimizing their prospects with the rating agencies, leveraging his executive/leadership role at A. M. Best Company. He provides expert testimony on insurance industry rating matters in legal proceedings. He utilizes his broad insurance expertise gained during his 30+ years of successful senior executive industry experience to assist companies in improving their performance in the areas of strategic planning, enterprise risk management, mergers and acquisitions, business development and competitive tactics. Cohen is a frequent speaker at industry conferences on strategic, risk management, and ratings issues.

For many years, Cohen was Vice President at A. M. Best Company, where he headed the rating division that analyzed the entire U.S. life insurance industry, evaluating the financial strength, operating performance and business profiles of those companies. As one of the senior officers in the ratings division at A. M. Best, he sat on committees that determined claims paying and debt ratings for all insurance organizations worldwide, and was a major contributor to the firm's rating methodologies. In addition to these duties, he authored A. M. Best industry publications and research reports, contributed to its information products and developed industry statistical studies.