Sustainability Post- COVID-19: Designing and Building for the Future
This webinar will help construction professionals, company owners and executives understand the current global state of sustainability.
Join us on August 11, 2020 at 5:00 PM EDT as the M.S. Construction Administration program at Columbia University School of Professional Studies and WSP host leading experts as they share their insights and intelligence on how to design and build with sustainability in mind post- COVID-19.
In this session, we will discuss:
• Sustainability paradigms in construction post- COVID-19--have they changed?
• Key trends in climate change, society, technology and resources
• Decarbonization and operations
• Built Ecology / How cities have been approaching sustainability globally during COVID-19
John Parkinson, Lecturer in Discipline, M.S. Construction Administration, Columbia University
Narada Golden, Vice President, Built Ecology Practice, WSP
Joshua Raddof, Senior Vice President, Built Ecology Practice, WSP
Erika Duran, Senior Sustainability Consultant, WSP
Gonzalo Covarrubias, Country Manager, WSP Peru
Learn more about how WSP is thinking about these topics going forward, the skill sets necessary for sustainability and construction professionals to adapt, and how an MS in Construction Administration from Columbia University School of Professional Studies can contribute a strong foundation for your professional growth.
Welcome & Introductions: 5:00-5:15
Panels: 5:15-6:30
Networking Breakouts: 6:30-7:00
For additional information about program offerings at Columbia University's School of Professional Studies, please contact Suzanne Wolfinger, Senior Admissions Counselor at 212-854-9666 or sw3441 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.