New Story, New Power: Effective Negotiation Workshop
Join expert Dr. Beth Fisher-Yoshida who will deliver a practical workshop on how to increase your effectiveness as a negotiator through preparation and self-awareness. Many people believe that negotiation is a win-lose battle, but that approach can severely limit your outcomes and even hurt you in the long run. Changing the way you see yourself as a negotiator and how you approach negotiation planning will increase your capacity to use a negotiation to build relationships and create positive outcomes for both parties. Dr. Fisher-Yoshida will help you develop skills that you can put to use immediately.
This workshop is only open to all current SPS students and prospective students.
Dr. Fisher-Yoshida recently published New Story, New Power: A Woman's Guide to Negotiation (Bold Story Press, 2023). If you missed the Book Launch event, you can watch a recording here:
For further information please contact Kjerstin Pugh (kep2137 [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu).
For additional information about program offerings at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies, please contact an Admissions Counselor at 212-854-9666 or inquire [[at]] sps [[dot]] columbia [[dot]] edu.
Please note the COVID-19 requirements for this event.
COVID-19 Requirements: To attend this event, Columbia University ID holders must review and complete the required protocol for coming to campus, including for off-campus events. Columbia University alumni, guests, and non-ID holders must show proof of vaccination.
As of December 2022, the University strongly recommends that all attendees wear high-quality masks in public indoor settings and crowded outdoor settings on campus.
All attendees must follow Columbia’s Covid-19 Policies and Guidelines.