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Advancing Your Career with Advanced Education

Please note that this event is open to current students and alumni of Columbia's Nonprofit Management program.

Have you ever considered getting a Ph.D. or J.D.? What about pursuing an executive certificate or a complementary M.A.? This workshop engages with core questions surrounding how degrees and training can help you in developing your career.

Greg Witkowski, Senior Lecturer in Nonprofit Management, has advised graduate students for fifteen years including through his service as Director of Graduate Programs at Indiana University's Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, which offered a graduate certificate, M.A. and Ph.D. in philanthropic studies.

Jose Pascal da Rocha, Lecturer in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, has a multitude of degrees internationally that has allowed him to stake out a unique transatlantic role in conflict resolution.

Both will use their experiences to engage with the practical choices involved with pursuing graduate studies and how a degree may help advance your career.

Refreshments will be served beginning at 5:30pm

For questions, contact careerdesignlab [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu (careerdesignlab[at]columbia[dot]edu).
