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Lisa Murphy, '22SPS, Wealth Management, CFP®

Client Advisor, Mission Wealth | San Diego, California

Lisa Murphy is a 2022 graduate of Columbia University's M.P.S. in Wealth Management program and a founding donor of the Wealth Management Advancing Diversity Fellowship Program. Contact her at lisa [[dot]] patton [[at]] columbia [[dot]] edu.

Why did you choose the Master of Professional Studies in Wealth Management at the Columbia School of Professional Studies? How does this program differentiate from an MBA?

I chose this program because it was perfectly aligned with my previous role as an associate wealth advisor. I wanted to move forward in my career and knew that getting to that next level required deep expertise in all the areas tested on the CFP® exam. While an MBA is also an incredible education, when it comes to the needs of the advisory industry and the complex issues my clients are facing, I wanted to ensure I took the necessary steps to educate myself through the right institution to help me navigate my future as a wealth advisor.

Do you have advice for prospective students? 

Prioritize this program above all else and ensure you have support from your family and co-workers. Although part-time, this program will take a significant amount of time and dedication, and if you give it your all, you will get so much more out of the program through building stronger relationships with both the cohort and the lecturers.

What are the benefits of this asynchronous program from a learning and networking perspective?

An asynchronous program enables professionals to develop their knowledge and expertise without sacrificing their current role at work. As a San Diegan, the flexibility of this program allowed me to receive a wonderful education from one of the best institutions in the world without having to move my family across the country. Working during the program also allowed my cohort and me the ability to implement new practices and concepts into our day-to-day interactions with clients and our respective professional teams. While the course lectures are asynchronous, the group projects and office hours are all conducted live, which allowed us all to regularly interact with each other and develop close bonds that were further strengthened by the in-person residencies.

How did your career change during and/or after earning an M.P.S. in Wealth Management?

The course of my entire career has vastly changed since earning my master's degree in wealth management. I initially sought out this program because of its approval to fulfill the education requirement for the CFP®, but looking back, I could not have imagined how much this education would transform my perspective of the industry and the new vast network I have of lecturers, practitioners, and new friends that I can now rely on for guidance with complex client questions. Since obtaining my master's, I have since sat for and passed the CFP® exam, am collaborating with former cohort members on future projects, and have landed my dream job as a Client Advisor for one of the best independent advisory firms in the country: Mission Wealth.

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