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Jill Goldman

Faculty Affiliate, Bioethics; Genetic Counselor, Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease, The Taub Institute, Columbia University Medical Center

Jill S. Goldman is a genetic counselor at The Taub Institute at Columbia University Medical Center where she serves in the Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease. She specializes in hereditary neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal degeneration, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. She has worked as a genetic counselor since 2000; before that, she was a health education specialist and science teacher.

Goldman serves on the steering committee of the Columbia University Center of Excellence Center in Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic, and Behavioral Genetics, and is a member of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC), a member of the American Academy of Neurology, and an appointed member of the Medical Advisory Committee of the Association for Frontotemporal Dementia. Additionally, she leads two support groups—one for caregivers of people with frontotemporal dementia and the other for people living with early stage dementia. She also created and coordinates “A Friend for Rachel,” a companionship program in which people with early to moderate dementia are paired with Columbia pre-medical students.

Goldman has authored many papers and book chapters including: “Genetic counseling and testing for Alzheimer’s disease: joint practice guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and the National Society of Genetic Counselors” and “New approaches to genetic counseling and testing for Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal degeneration.” 


  • Genetic Counseling for Adult Neurogenetic Disease: A Casebook for Clinicians (Springer, 2015), editor
